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Read our
EPMF Newsletters !

The EPMF Team is growing – please welcome Tina Liesirova
17 June 2024
Tina is our new scientific manager. Her PhD in biogeochemistry and training as a geologist will help strengthen the EPMF position in science, in particular in human and environmental health.
The EPMF and International Copper Association Europe message to new European Parliament
10 June 2024
On June 6-9 the EU has voted a new European Parliament. Perfect timing to join forces and remind the EPMF and International Copper Association Europe key messages:
– coherence
– predictability
– compromise
– support from the regulators
How this can be achieved? – EU needs a strong European industrial deal lead by a Vice-President. Moreover, the EU urgently needs right regulations at the right moment with the right implementation.
Check more closely the EPMF Key Asks 2019-2024 .
Also, don’t forget to take a look at International Copper Association Europe Policy Priorities’ new page.
… and at The Antwerp Declaration for European Industrial Deal.
France Capon at the Antwerp Declaration roundtable
15 May 2024
The EPMF has co-signed the Antwerp Declaration and continues actively contributing to its development. On May 15th, France Capon was representing the EPMF and Eurometaux at the Antwerp Declaration roundtable with Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, that was organized by Cefic and industryAll Europe. Discussion between social partners and industry was dedicated to skills, quality jobs, climate neutrality, industrial transformation and more. The roundtable was concluded by a signing ceremony of the joint position paper calling for “An Industrial Deal focused on ensuring quality industrial jobs in Europe”.
6-9 May 2024
Jelle Mertens at SETAC meetings in Seville
The EPMF, represented by Jelle Mertens, participated at SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting in Seville. SETAC meetings bring together scientists from various disciplines in academia, business, industry and government to share, debate, discuss, disseminate and facilitate the use and re-use of their most recent scientific knowledge to support adaptive and responsive environmental management and protection. This year meeting’s theme was dedicated to “Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges.”
Jelle Mertens co-authored posters on:
– influence of the initial speciation of platinum and palladium on their bioavailability to a green alga,
– holistic modelling approach to predict silver toxicity on rainbow trout populations,
– common approach for setting environmental self-classifications for metals and metal compounds.
You can also check the posters on the EPMF LinkedIn page here.
15 April 2024
The EPMF is among more than 1000 signatures of the Antwerp Declaration
The EPMF has co-signed the Antwerp Declaration to express its full support for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and keep high quality jobs for European workers in Europe. The Declaration calls to Member State Governments, the next European Commission and Parliament to:
1. Put the Industrial Deal at the core of the new European Strategic Agenda for 2024-2029.
2. Include a strong public funding chapter with a Clean Tech Deployment Fund.
3. Make Europe a globally competitive provider of energy.
4. Focus on the infrastructure Europe needs.
5. Increase the EU’s raw materials security.
6. Boost demand for net zero, low carbon and circular products.
7. Leverage, enforce, revive and improve the Single Market.
8. Make the innovation framework smarter.
9. A new spirit of law-making.
10. Ensure the structure allows to achieve results.
Read, sign and share: https://antwerp-declaration.eu/
8 April 2024
The newest edition of the EPMF Annual Report is already available!
The EPMF proudly presents its Annual Report. Let’s look back together to the year 2023 and see what kept (and still keeps) the EPMF busy, as well as our communications and outreach strategy.
What else you can find in the report? Facts about the precious metal and… a quiz! Do not hesitate to test your knowledge in lesser known metals, such as iridium and rhodium.
Enjoy the reading!
Event ‘REACH and Raw Materials: Achieving Europe’s Green Deal goals together’ on October 17 in Brussels
6 November 2023
‘Coherence, efficiency and predictability’ – concluding words by Wouter Ghyoot (Umicore), the President of EPMF at the debate ‘REACH and Raw Materials: Achieving Europe’s Green Deal goals together’ that was co-organized with Eurometaux. A very timely and topical debate bringing together policy makers, NGO and industry. Our panellists: Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea (DG Environment), Hélène Duguy (ClientEarth) and Adly Manseri (Belgian Permanent Representation) were not only discussing how the REACH regulation could provide more certainty and environmental protection for Europe’s raw materials investment agenda, but also, we tried to find solutions and best possible ways to move forward, especially in coherence between the EU’s chemicals and raw materials policy actions. If missed it, please check the recording here.
France Capon nominated as Vice-Chair of the Chemicals Committee at BIAC
14 June 2023
The EPMF Secretary General France Capon was nominated as Vice-Chair of the Chemicals Committee of Business at OECD (BIAC). The BIAC’s Chemicals Committee enables private sector access to a wide range of OECD activities on chemical management and safety. It also contributes to the development of policies and instruments for chemical testing and assessment, fosters information exchange, and provides a framework for private sector exchanges.
We wish France all the success on this new and exciting adventure!
EPMF General Assembly
6-7 June 2023
A sunny hello from Frankfurt am Main! The EPMF and its Members gathered for a two-day General Assembly meeting. Busy agenda with many topics to cover and discuss. This time we welcomed two very special guest speakers:
– Richard Meads from European Regulation and Innovation Forum. He gave us a sneak peek into a soon to be published research project on regulatory philosophies,
– Philipp Walter, Heraeus showed us that precious metals are indeed indispensable in hydrogen applications and play and important role in carbon neutrality.
Anything fun? The EPMF meetings are never boring! We enjoyed a traditional Frankfurt dinner in a cosy atmosphere and visited Heraeus headquarters in Hanau. A big thank you to our Vice-President Marius Vigener and Heraeus Team for welcoming the EPMF Members at the site. And of course, many thanks to our Members for joining and see you again at the next General Assembly in December in Brussels!
Scientific Publication : “Comparative in vivo toxicokinetics of silver powder, nanosilver and soluble silver compounds after oral administration to rats”
22 May 2023
The EPMF scientific team, Jelle Mertens, Anissa Alami and Katrien Arijs, ARCHE Consulting, is glad to present a new in vivo comparative toxicokinetics study of soluble silver compounds, nanosilver, silver powder supporting the prediction that silver in massive and powder forms exhibit low toxicity potential. The study can be accessed on the EPMF Scientific Publications page or in Archives of Toxicology.
Have a good read!
The EPMF Secretary General France Capon at REACH Conference in Bratislava
22-23 May 2023
The EPMF, Eurometaux and Cefic co-organised a Chemicals Management workshop in Bratislava with a local partner Ekotox.sk. The aim of this workshop was to share information on the REACH revision and have a discussion with authorities and industries of the Visegrád countries. The European Commission presented the current status of the REACH revision and its views on it. The EPMF and Eurometaux provided input on the MAF (Mixture Assessment Factor), the 4C concept (chemicals, climate, circularity and criticality) and critical aspects that are expected for the Risk Management update, e.g. the generic risk assessment (GRA) and the essential use concept (EUC). All the presentations lead to fruitful discussion panels.