In April 2020, the EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders announced that in 2021 the European Commission will propose a Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence legislation for companies.
The upcoming legislation will introduce mandatory due diligence requirements for EU companies, moving beyond voluntary measures. It is expected that initiative will be strongly based on the UNGPs, the OECD and the ILO frameworks. Scope of the initiative will be cross-sectoral in order not to lead to market fragmentation, covering the entire supply chain and all corporate-related risks, including human rights, social and environmental rights.
What is EPMF’s position?
The EPMF welcomes the European Commission’s upcoming initiative on due diligence and sustainable corporate governance. We support the Commission’s objective to respect both human and labour rights, and corporate social responsibility throughout the value chains of European companies. Our key recommendations are summarized in the graph below:
A more detailed position can be found below in the EPMF Position Paper:

Further information:
- The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation
Contact information:
Zinaida Nazarenko
Due Diligence is a key element of EPMF Sustainability Platform |